Narrative of Scripture - related to mentoring
Images of modelling and mentoring
Learning by watching each other
Modelling and mentoring are essential not just to our role as leaders, but also to our call to be disciples and followers of Jesus. Yet it is interesting that these key concepts can raise quite different expectations and reactions in our respective cultures and contexts. The Bible itself provides examples - both good and bad - of modelling and mentoring relationships. This course will engage with mentoring and modelling as core practices in our Christian life. The story of the Bible will be brought into dialogue with our own contexts, experiences and cultures, and we will seek to discover how people from different backgrounds relate to modelling and mentoring.
Narrative of Scripture - related to mentoring
Images of modelling and mentoring
Learning by watching each other
a residential of 3 days combined with a 10 week online course which requires 3 hours of work per week;
starts with a residential from 5-7 October, in Rome;
is a blended online, facilitated course, with a Zoom meeting every Monday between 17:00-18:00;
online material is available for the people who are trained by the trainers, available in English
and translatable into different languages;
small groups of 10–14 participants, we aim at two people from a country or ministry;
primary language will be English;
the course is recognised by the IBTS Centre and EBF and is at pre-degree level;