Dr Chris Schelin serves as the Dean of Students, Director of Contextual Education, and Assistant Professor of Practical and Political Theologies at Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland, California.
'My research has largely focused on Baptist theology and history with a special emphasis on the intersections between ecclesiology and political theory. My dissertation, which is being edited for publication with Mercer University Press, elucidates the relevance of radical democratic theory for Baptists’ self-understanding of churches as political sites wherein we faithfully engage in contestation over the what it means to enact the gospel in our particular contexts.
I am currently researching other areas of Baptist studies such as potential ecumenical convergence with charismatic Christianity and the development of nontraditional theologies in the increasingly pluralistic United States.'
Memberships and Networks
National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion; American Academy of Religion; American Baptist Ministers Council of Northern California.